Student Services
Student Services at Nishimachi
At Nishimachi, our aim is to maximize learning for all students. We want children to thrive both academically and socio-emotionally. To that end, we offer various support services but are limited in the types and extent of support we can provide as a school.
Learning Services (LS)
To determine a path forward for students with learning needs across the curriculum, Learning Specialists may conduct assessments and observations, and collect and analyze data such as work samples, teacher comments, parent/student interviews, and standardized test scores such as MAP and CAT-IV. The determination of whether learning services are required is made collaboratively, in conjunction with the Student Services Team and teachers.
Depending on the student’s needs, the Learning Specialist may provide in-class support in collaboration with teachers, specialized instruction in the Learning Specialist room, teaching recommendations to teachers, guidance for parents, or referrals to external specialists. Learning Specialist services are designed to support students with mild learning difficulties and are not intended to function as a formal special education program.
Goals are created for identified students, and data is used to monitor progress, reassess goals, and determine LS status for the following year.
English Language Services (ELS)
We recognize the linguistic diversity of our students. To meet the needs of our bilingual and multilingual learners, our two English Language Specialist teachers provide English Language Services (ELS) in collaboration with classroom teachers. These services may include individualized or small group instruction during the school day.
In the spring, we administer the WIDA-Measures of Academic Progress (MODEL) to all students receiving active ELS. Results are discussed with families in Semester 2 Reports. Standardized testing data, as well as data collected by both English Language Specialist teachers and the child's classroom teachers, are used in making decisions about a student’s service status for the following year.
Students who demonstrate grade-level English language proficiency and no longer require ELS are monitored to ensure they continue to access the curriculum successfully.
School Counseling Program
The Nishimachi School Counseling Program, aligned with the International School Counselor Association (ISCA) model, is committed to supporting students' academic, personal, and social/emotional growth. By addressing academic challenges, social-emotional development, and career exploration, we strive to equip students with the skills they need for lifelong success. We have an elementary school counselor who works with kindergarten through grade 5, and a middle school counselor who works with grades 6 through 9. Both counselors work with students through short-term individual and group counseling sessions, classroom lessons, and in collaboration with teachers and parents.
Confidentiality is a key aspect of our program to ensure students feel safe discussing their concerns. All conversations are private unless there is a risk of harm, in which case appropriate actions are taken to protect the student while involving relevant parties.
When a student's needs exceed the counselor’s scope, we may recommend external support from specialized professionals. In these cases, we work closely with families to facilitate referrals and ensure continued care, always prioritizing the student’s well-being.
Exceptional Potential Program (EPP)
In 2023, our school initiated the Exceptional Potential Program, focused on providing additional enrichment opportunities for our highest-achieving divergent thinkers in elementary and middle school. Through small group activities, our students further extend their strengths while developing critical and creative thinking through inquiry-based and process-driven exploration and investigation. This program continues as a pilot while we formalize it for our school.
Speech and Language
Speech and Language services at Nishimachi are provided by an external consultant. Our Speech-Language Pathologist is on campus a few days a week but can take referrals from both families and teachers at any time. Speech and language areas addressed at school include, but are not limited to: speech sound (articulation, difficulty being understood), stuttering (not speaking smoothly and easily, repeating words), voice (having a hoarse, nasal quality, or low vocal volume), language (understanding what others are saying and expressing oneself), cognitive communication (thinking skills, executive functions), and social communication (social skills, perspective-taking, non-verbal communication).
All services are delivered using a neurodiversity-affirming approach and are provided based on a cost-sharing model with the school; a portion of the fees is billed to families (fees may be covered by some expatriate insurance policies but are not covered by Japanese government health insurance).
For more information, please contact the school at