Health and Wellness

School Nurse

A nurse is on the school premises every day from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Times may vary during summer school.) The nurse is responsible for attending to minor injuries and illnesses that occur at school in addition to other duties to keep good health and well being of students.


Medications for students in kindergarten through grade 5 should be brought to the front office or the health room along with a note which includes the child's name and grade, the name of the medication, the dose and the time it should be given, the purpose of the medication, and any other special instructions. Middle school students may take medication on their own.

Medical Examinations

Medical examinations by a doctor are required twice during a student's years at Nishimachi. The first is required upon entering Nishimachi, to be completed by a physician. The second is to be submitted at, or before, the start of sixth grade, to ascertain, insofar as possible, that the child is in good health and able to participate in interscholastic sports and a more active physical education program. Although Nishimachi does not have a required immunization schedule, students are expected to follow either the Japanese schedule or that of their own home country.


Sick students do not benefit from being at school and put others at risk of infection. Students are required to remain at home until fully recovered. Detailed Nishimachi health guidelines are available and describe what parents are expected to deal with each case of illness including communicable diseases.