Tomo no Kai Parent Association
Tomo no Kai, which translates to association of friends, is the parent association of Nishimachi. All parents of students at Nishimachi are members of TNK. The purpose of TNK is to support the school to increase communication among the various segments of the school community and to create a sense of unity. In addition, TNK sponsors a variety of cross-cultural programs and social functions, and raises funds for the school.
As defined in the TNK statement of policies, control of the organization is vested in the TNK board, members of which are selected annually by the Nominating Committee. The board meets once a month, generally the first or second Friday of the month. All parents and teachers are invited to attend and participate.
The 2024 Food Fair was a success and the Food Fair Committee would like to thank everbody - especially the following companies and organizations for their generous sponsorship and support:
2022 Food Fair
Video by Genki Akaeda
TNK Portal